a. Counseling services
- is designed to facilitate self-understanding and development through dyadic or small group relationship.
- This is considered as the heart and soul of the guidance program.
Different approaches, skill and theories are implemented by counselors because people and situations are different. Sometimes one or the other is best, and sometimes the combination of techniques produces the most benefit. These counseling services are the following:
Ø Individual counseling
Ø Group counseling
Ø Family counseling
Ø Counseling special cases
b. testing/assessment services
- The assessment service is designed to collect, analyze and use a variety of objective and subjective personal, psychological and social data about each pupils.
- Test will be useful as a guidance tool if combined with appropriate planning for individual development.
- Test provide “information in meaningful terms through quantitative description.”
These services cover the administration, scoring, interpreting and evaluating results of selected test such as:
Ø Admission test
Ø Intelligence test
Ø Individual intelligence test
Ø Group intelligence test
Ø Aptitude test
Ø Interest test
Ø Personality test
Ø Projective test
Ø Special test
c. Information service
- Designed to provide accurate and current information in order that the students may make an intelligent choice of an educational program an occupation or s social activity.
d. student inventory record
- This is continuous process of accumulating recording and utilizing information of each student for guidance and counseling purposes and for obtaining a complete picture of the individual.
e. training/seminar/forum
- These are programs designed to help students to discover their innate ability and talents as well as develop their emotional intelligence.
f. placement and career services
- The school assist the students in selecting and utilizing opportunities within the school and in the outside labor market.
g. research services
- Research capabilities of the guidance center are conducted in conjunction with relevant educational studies like students delinquency problems, teenage pregnancy, faculty-student relationship and others.
h. career and life planning
- Is a package of activities designed to develop skills in self-exploration, values clarification, career planning, and decision making and life goal setting.
i. freshmen enhancement program
- Package of activities for freshmen designed to facilitate adjustment into college life, enhance self-awareness and understanding, and develop the basic skill in coping effectively with rigors of academic life
j. referral
- Special cases which require service beyond the scope o0f guidance and counseling program , are referred to other agencies
k. linkages
- The guidance and counseling program also carry out collaborative activities with the school and community-based organization.
l. extension services
- Guidance staff function and responsibilities go beyond the students. They extend services by helping others through training, seminar/workshop. Or conduct research as they are often invited in occasion needing their skills and knowledge. In most instances, they render services for free.
m. peer facilitator
- Are trained to help the staff in the delivery of the guidance services, as well as extension services.